Dottor K

i matti stanno proprio tutti fuori

giugno 22, 2007

Il cerchio e il caso

Non hai bisogno
di cercarmi
perch’io mi senta tuo.
Il percorso distinguo
in tracciati erratici
che più nulla
hanno d’eterno,
ma vibrano
e ancora vibrano,
e di notturni passi


Blogger artemisia said...

Meno male che almeno tu sembri distinguere il percorso, perchè io non distinguo più neanche quello.

6/25/2007 09:42:00 AM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

Diverso è dire che so dove portano, purtroppo.
A volte però per vedere più chiaramente è meglio non fissare l'oggetto. Magari funziona anche nel tuo caso.

6/25/2007 10:52:00 AM  
Blogger astralla said...

Forse la mia originalità lascia un pò a desiderare ma nell'amore la traccia si sente anche senza ricerca, anche senza rumore...sono i sensi e il profumo, il magnetismo di due corpi nell'amore che permettono di sfiorarsi l'anima anche essendo lontani...

6/26/2007 04:48:00 PM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

non è un problema di originalità, ci mancherebbe altro.
E' più una questione di prospettive, da vicino le sensazioni sono diverse. A una certa distanza però le emozioni si fanno ricordo e si legano a fili addobbati di piccoli e apparentemente insignificanti ricordi.

6/27/2007 08:15:00 AM  
Blogger wroszka said...

eppur ti cerco

come gatto
dal passo felpato
che nero si confonde

ma è notte
e tutto appare
e scompare
come in sogno

6/28/2007 12:32:00 AM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

versi che si inseguono anche in questo caso, incredibilmente affini ad alcuni che ho impresso tra le pagine della mia memoria elettronica.
Sei la mia ombra o il mio sogno?

6/28/2007 09:08:00 AM  
Blogger wroszka said...

inevitabilmente sfuggente


dormo e vorrei non destarmi.

6/28/2007 11:45:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonimo said...

Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

7/09/2009 06:14:00 PM  

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giugno 18, 2007


I bei momenti
sono belli
d’un battito d’ali,
illimitati istanti
che s’inseguono
come farfalle,
macchie di gioia
colorata e impressa
nella mia memoria.

La felicità
è fatta anche di questo,
distillato d’attimi
e d’attese.

si perde


Blogger angioletto79 said...

bellissima!! e nulla di più vero!!! un abbraccio!!!

6/18/2007 11:30:00 AM  
Blogger rodocrosite said...

"La felicità viene solo sotto sotto forma di attimi" ha scritto Silone.
O forse per fortuna.

Belle le macchie di gioia.

6/18/2007 03:10:00 PM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

grazie mille! Ogni tanto si riesce a fissare un frammento da poter condividere, pare quasi per caso.

forse la soluzione sta proprio nel riuscire a valorizzare anche le attese. A patto di rimanere sempre vigili per cogliere gli attimi.
A volte sono davvero un inguaribile ottimista lo so..

6/18/2007 04:50:00 PM  
Blogger astralla said...

Dottore mio caro, i tuoi post lo sai li amo tutti, ma questo più degli altri mi piace e mi riempie...forse perchè è più simile a ciò che scriverei o forse semplicemente ha dentro mille colori....E sono felice.
Ti abbraccio!

6/18/2007 05:35:00 PM  
Blogger artemisia said...

"Nulla si perde davvero"... lo penso spesso, e a volte mi consola.

6/18/2007 10:45:00 PM  
Blogger Adynaton86 said...

E in quel "nulla si perde davvero" mi si apre il cuore e compare un lieve sorriso sulle mie labbra. Perché penso che, attraverso la memoria, possiamo rivivere quei momenti di felicità. In modo più consapevole, anche. Diventano vini che conserviamo per anni e che, al momento di essere versati nei calici, esalano antiche fragranze che ci hanno dato piacere nel passato. Un abbraccio, Ady

6/19/2007 02:51:00 AM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

come sempre la felicità, la mia, la tua, è contagiosa.
Non potrei chiedere di meglio.

ti capisco bene, tieni conto però che il mio discorso va ben oltre il concetto di memoria...

carissimo bentornato. Come dicevo ad Arte possiamo estendere il concetto ancora di più, come se esistesse una traccia di tutto ciò che è in ogni nostra singola frazione.
A tal proposito ho scritto qualcosa di cui io stesso ho un po' soggezione.
Chissà se vedrà mai la luce..

6/19/2007 01:21:00 PM  
Blogger Adynaton86 said...

Grazie doctor! Beh io sono qui alla finestra. Occhio che ti seguo sempre. Un abrazo

6/19/2007 03:34:00 PM  
Blogger artemisia said...

No no, guarda che anch'io andavo ben oltre la memoria.
Ora, facci leggere.

6/19/2007 05:26:00 PM  
Blogger Henry said...

ecco credo che alla fine sia proprio questa la prova di un amore vero: che qualcosa rimane, che l'amore rimane, indipendentemente dalla presenza della persona amata.
lo so dottore, parlo sempre d'amore.... :D


6/19/2007 11:40:00 PM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

ci conto.

non ti preoccupare... non potevo dubitare che avessi colto il senso delle mie parole.

è lo specchio di ciò che sei e come nella favola della rana e dello scorpione non si può sfuggire dalla propria natura.
Inutile dire che personalmente ci vedo molto di più. Siamo la somma delle nostre esperienze e non solo di quelle belle.

6/20/2007 08:45:00 AM  
Blogger zefirina said...

è vero la felicità è spesso fatta di attimi, forse i ricordi non si perdono, ma l'amor perduto quello non torna proprio

6/20/2007 03:20:00 PM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

eppure ciò che è legato a quell'amore ci rimane, vorrà pure significare qualcosa...
Qualcuno potrebbe pensare che il mio sia un vedere il bicchiere mezzo pieno, epppure siamo noi il punto di partenza di ciò che diventeremo e aver vissuto certe esperienze, anche solo per poco, riescirà a dare un senso a molte delle cose che verranno.

6/21/2007 10:41:00 AM  
Blogger artemisia said...

...e se non hai ragione c'è proprio da spararsi.

6/21/2007 08:26:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Don't spoil also by bouncing your head abercrombie Outlet from the highway.A half helmet one is more suited to abercrombie and fitch those riders who don't mind to consume a variety of bugs along the abercrombie sale way! Most of these proper protection because they are built using chrome.A guys Harley abercrombie & fitch davidson t-shirt is likely to overhead about abercrombie This is a touch aggressive for just a fabulous t-shirt except for likely to be able to presents abercrombie uk Harley davidson identity but also you are abercrombie london finding high-quality any material., typically the functioning color block for good Harley davidson tee abercrombie and Fitch Polo is a great identify. And even, this valuable t-shirt wouldn't shrink further abercrombie Polos up like most cotton tees do.

8/26/2010 03:18:00 AM  

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giugno 12, 2007

Simmetrici crocevia

Ho preso a rifare
le cose che faccio
se sono felice.
Cammino e tra i tetti
di questa città
sorrido ai passanti
o almeno a quei pochi
incontrati quassù.

D’anime lontane
e risonanti
l’illimitato unisono.

Ho ripreso a volare,
o almeno il pensiero,
sulle cose a cui penso
se sono contento.
Osservo, in silenzio
un nuovo orizzonte,
d’incanto s’illumina
il mondo.

D’angoli misconosciuti
e noti
l’infinita bellezza.


Blogger wroszka said...

ti ho visto
a divagare

potevo scorgerti
dal mio tetto sicuro
e stupore

mi chiamo
mi chiamano
dicono di me

Liberta' di pensiero.

6/13/2007 02:27:00 AM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

ritrovo con piacere un segno del tuo passaggio, e che segno.
Viene spontaneo chiedersi cos'è che dicono di te...

6/13/2007 02:30:00 PM  
Blogger astralla said...

Ti vedo e ti sorrido, dall'alto del tetto, cos'altro posso fare che non rispondere al tuo sguardo sorriso.
Un abbraccio alto...

6/14/2007 05:03:00 PM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

hai colto bene lo spirito, non potevo avere dubbi.
Ringrazio e contraccambio.

6/15/2007 08:15:00 AM  
Blogger wroszka said...

15 giugno 2007

Puoi togliermi il fiato

lo stupore
il sorriso
la parola

Toglimi tutto

Ti sfido

So che non puoi farlo:

Io sono pensiero

godo la libertà dei secoli
gravidi di dolore

Io sono Anima:

libera di essere se stessa.

6/16/2007 03:43:00 AM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

ancora una volta rendi interessanti questi intrecci di parole o, come forse diresti tu, questi intrecci di anime.

6/18/2007 08:26:00 AM  

Lascia una traccia

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giugno 08, 2007


Silenzioso osservo
rarefatte imprese
che nascono
nei cieli,
ebbri spazi
di mille ali in volo
e ancora più su.

Silenzioso abbraccio
questo vuoto
che di nuova aria
mi nutre,
ritrovate simmetrie

E nel tutto



Blogger wroszka said...

Mia anima
Vesti colori e una faccia allegra
Esci gioisci
Sii produttiva
Non disperderti nell’imperturbabile male
La vita non ha tempo
Non teme vendette
E orgogli feriti
Alla vita non importa
Se piangi o ridi
E va avanti uguale
Anche se muori di rabbia o di dolore
Abbi cura di te sola
Anima mia
Non troverai compagnia
Non illuderti
Né in allegria né in agonia
Sii sfacciata
Prenditi solo il meglio che può offrire
Recita in vita e nella vita
Perché a nessuno importa come ti senti
Ma solo come ti rappresenti.

6/09/2007 02:49:00 AM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

una presentazione che lascia davvero il segno...

6/09/2007 12:56:00 PM  
Blogger Xalimar said...

Ciao sono Fabio, presidente della Banca dei Favori. Scusa se prendo spazio nel tuo blog per una mia segnalazione, ma noi della Banca dei Favori abbiamo bisogno dell'aiuto di tutti, anzi sono i bambini di tutto il mondo ad avere bisogno di aiuto... Il 23 giugno sarà la giornata mondiale dell'orgoglio pedofilo...non ci sarebbe altro da aggiungere a questo orrore...firmiamo tutti l'appello per fermare questa oscenità e accendiamo una fiaccola per i piccolini a cui vengono distrutte le vite da parte dei nuovi orchi...ti ringrazio e mi scuso per l'intromissione. Saluti

6/10/2007 05:59:00 PM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

grazie della dovuta segnalazione.

6/11/2007 02:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonimo said...


8/24/2010 03:41:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Don't spoil also by bouncing your head abercrombie Outlet from the highway.A half helmet one is more suited to abercrombie and fitch those riders who don't mind to consume a variety of bugs along the abercrombie sale way! Most of these proper protection because they are built using chrome.A guys Harley abercrombie & fitch davidson t-shirt is likely to overhead about abercrombie This is a touch aggressive for just a fabulous t-shirt except for likely to be able to presents abercrombie uk Harley davidson identity but also you are abercrombie london finding high-quality any material., typically the functioning color block for good Harley davidson tee abercrombie and Fitch Polo is a great identify. And even, this valuable t-shirt wouldn't shrink further abercrombie Polos up like most cotton tees do.

8/26/2010 03:18:00 AM  
Blogger Shiva said...

If face any issue with your appliances then just hit the website through Haier Toll Free Number Jaipur. Our technicians are trained and experienced in solving all the issues of the appliances.
Haier Toll Free Number Jaipur

With the help of washing machines, we can wash our clothes easily. By hand washing, it consumes too much of body energy because it is a difficult task. Issues may get in your washing then contact our repair center to solve your issues. Haier Washing Machine Repair Jaipur
Haier Washing Machine Repair Jaipur

All you have to do is put the clothes in the washer and select the wash mode. It automatically takes the water and starts running. If you face any issue with your washing machine then try to reach out to us by Haier Washing Machine Service Center Jaipur
Haier Washing Machine Service Center Jaipur

Nowadays, we find a glass door refrigerators. These are very essential for marketing. So, if you face any issue with your refrigerator then simply hit the website Haier Refrigerator Repair Jaipur
Haier Refrigerator Repair Jaipur

1/19/2021 10:01:00 AM  
Blogger Appliance Services said...

Even before putting the clothes in the washer check the pockets for coins or hairpins. As these can damage both your clothes and the machine. If the mentioned reasons are not the problem than simply contact us through Godrej Washing Machine Service Center Jaipur .
Godrej Washing Machine Service Center Jaipur

The heat gets attach to the atmosphere outside. The heat pump will generally operates by an electric motor. Whenever your refrigerator creates any trouble then contact us Godrej Refrigerator Repair Jaipur.
Godrej Refrigerator Repair Jaipur

We can buy the food in bulk amounts and can store it for the future. Issues may get in your refrigerator after using it for many years then simply reach out to our service center through Godrej Refrigerator Service Center Jaipur.
Godrej Refrigerator Service Center Jaipur

Next time when you turn on the oven the heat will catch that and will produce the sparks. If the waveguide cover is damaged then contact our service technician from Godrej Microwave Oven Repair Jaipur to solve this issue.

Godrej Microwave Oven Repair Jaipur

1/20/2021 09:02:00 AM  
Blogger Shiva said...

Also, we can wash the clothes and cook the food by doing our own alternate work. If you are having issues with your IFB home appliances, you can contact us through IFB Service Center Jaipur.

IFB Service Center Jaipur
In addition, they are very useful and need just a small area to place them. If you are having issues with your IFB home appliances, then you can contact us through IFB Toll Free Number Jaipur.

IFB Toll Free Number Jaipur
It can wash various types of clothes. If you get any issues with your washing machine then contact us IFB Washing Machine Repair Jaipur.

IFB Washing Machine Repair Jaipur
Nowadays washing machines design with the latest technology. If you get any issues with your washing machine then reach out to us through IFB Washing Machine Service Center Jaipur.

IFB Washing Machine Service Center Jaipur

1/26/2021 10:22:00 AM  
Blogger Shiva said...

Ovens are mainly useful for browning some kind of food item. So, at any stage of service if you face any issue with your oven then simply contact us through
home appliance Service Center Jaipur
Most of the people choose the Panasonic brands because of its efficient service. Issues may get with your Panasonic appliances then simply contact us through.
home appliance Service Center Jaipur

So, all these appliances are the necessity for our routine activity as they complete the task quickly. So, if your appliances create any trouble then just call to our service center. Contact us through
home appliance Service Center Jaipur

They need to complete the household activities of their family. At that time, they can load the washing machine and set the cycle then do the alternate work. Having issues with your washing machine? Then contact below link
home appliance Service Center Jaipur

1/27/2021 10:08:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

We have professional knowledge technicians trained by a team to repair your home appliance washing machine .If you get any issue with your washing machine, contact the service center. Godrej washing machine repair in Lucknow we have providing 24/7 services to the customers

<a href=" >home appliance Service Center Jaipur</a>

1/30/2021 06:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonimo said...

We give warranty on our service and on spare also we give warranty. After our service any issues raise just call us give compliant then our professionals technicians will come to your home solve the issues then he will not take any visiting charges we will do it in free and replace all spare parts.

Panasonic home Appliance Service Center Ahmedabad

1/30/2021 01:08:00 PM  
Blogger Yeshwanth said...

Bosch Company has a good company in India. Like electrons and many more. Bosch has service centers also so many in India. If in your Bosch product any issues face just call to the Bosch Washing Machine Repair in Mumbai .our professionals will come to your and solve the issues .we give 100%geninue service center in it. Like this our, Bosch gives first preference to the customer.

Bosch Service Center in Mumbai

2/02/2021 08:56:00 AM  
Blogger shiva said...

You don’t have to rub the clothes with hand. The issue may get in your washing machine then contact us through.
home appliance Service Center Jaipur
The refrigerator in a home that is very useful in the prevention of food wastage. If you are having issues with your Panasonic Refrigerator at your home, then contact us and get the services through.
home appliance Service Center Jaipur

2/03/2021 07:55:00 AM  
Blogger yeshwanth04 said...

Our professional’s technicians will solve all your problems in day itself. We give 100%geniune service to our customers and we give 100 %service and spare genuine. After our service any issues raise just call to whirlpool Refrigerator Service Center in Mumbai then our professionals will solve your issues in front of you .they make your Refrigerator as new Refrigerator.
Whirlpool Service Center in Mumbai

2/04/2021 11:10:00 AM  
Blogger asiya said...

Refrigerators are important as it saves our food. It prevents the food from the
formation of bacteria growth. A refrigerator is a very useful machine. We can keep water bottles, fruits, and vegetables. home appliance Service Center Jaipur
If you get any issue with your refrigerator then contact the service center. We are committed to providing the best services with qualified technicians who are provided with the required equipment. home appliance Service Center Jaipur

Haier Refrigerator services center is the best service center in Ahmedabad. We are providing doorstep services. After approaching our service center our technicians will reach our residential address within 4 hours.We are providing 24/7 services to the customer. home appliance Service Center Jaipur
A refrigerator is an important home appliance that offers great convenience in our fast-paced liveshome appliance Service Center Jaipur

2/05/2021 07:23:00 AM  
Blogger asiya said...

the Washing Machine Service Center in Lucknow for any repair service required for your washing machine. We are providing good service to our customers in Lucknow. We provide services at an affordable price with discount with customer satisfaction. home appliance Service Center Jaipur

We have professional knowledge technicians trained by a team to repair your home appliance washing machine .If you get any issue with your washing machine, contact home appliance Service Center Jaipur

the service center. Godrej washing machine repair in Lucknow we have providing 24/7 services to the customershome appliance Service Center Jaipur

Washing machines are used in every home in today's generation; everyone needs to complete their task within a short time. If you get any issue with your washing machine then contact the services center. We are providing door step services. home appliance Service Center Jaipur

2/05/2021 09:32:00 AM  
Blogger Yeshwanth05 said...

Every Washing Machine as issues like leakage of water, clogged of pins and coins in it then don’t worry just call our service center to solve the issues in it. Any type of issues our professionals will solve in day itself. Just call us Samsung Washing Machine Service Center in Mumbai they fix it give 100%geniune service to our customer.
Home Appliance Service Center in Mumbai

2/05/2021 02:49:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

LG microwave oven is the best service center in Lucknow. We are providing the best services to the customers. The technician is very talented and he is very honest. He came on time and did the work. We are providing services in all locations. Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur
Samsung is one of the best brands. If you get any issue with your Samsung microwave oven, contact the service center. Our technicians experience and provide right advice and service charges reasonably as well. Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur
If you get any issue with your whirlpool microwave oven then contact the service center we are providing guarantee services with the best price. We have professional and experienced technicians so that they can easily trace the appliance problem. Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur

2/08/2021 07:19:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonimo said...

Our technicians are well groomed in terms of knowledge of each and every part in the home appliance so that they can solve any type of issue. Our management will give first priority to customers and their issues. If you face any issue with your microwave oven then reach to us through the website Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur
Godrej microwave oven service center Ahmedabad is the best service center we are providing doorstep services. Our technicians replace the spare parts and give a 1 month warranty on general services. If you face any issue with your microwave oven then reach to us through the website Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur
We are trying to give high quality of service to the customers at a low price. They also give a job sheet number because if the problem repeats in the future the customer contact directly and solve their doubts. Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur

2/10/2021 07:24:00 AM  
Blogger mounikadubba333 said...

This is modern technology and we use gadgets for any small purpose. For circulating the cool air and to remove the heat from the enclosed area we have air conditioner gadget. This is one of the best home appliances. In these days there is more usage of the air conditioner. Hitachi AC Service Center Pune Home Appliances Service Center in Pune

2/10/2021 01:47:00 PM  
Blogger Shaik Asma said...

Home Appliances Service Center is here to provide the best repair to the customers who are having the issues with their faulty refrigerators. Refrigerator is used for the preservation of food. In the refrigerator, we have many sections in which we can store different kind of food items. We can store vegetables, milk, drinks, chocolates, ice creams, etc. Refrigeration is the process of slowing down the bacteria growth under low temperatures. Anytime, if you get issues with your refrigerator, then contact us. We will immediately solve the issues of your refrigerator on the first day of your complaint. So, make sure to contact us for the best services at your doorstep with a warranty on the general services and spare parts.

2/10/2021 04:08:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Samsung microwave oven service center is the best service center in Ahmedabad. If you are facing any issue with your microwave oven then simply call us the service center. We provide multiple services under one roof. Our technicians are having 10 years of experience. Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur
If you are facing any issue with your microwave oven then immediately shut down your appliance and call professional expert technicians to solve the issue. Simply contact the Whirlpool microwave oven service center Ahmedabad. We are providing the best services to customers. Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur
If you are facing any issue with your IFB microwave oven then contact the service center. We are providing doorstep services. We are providing discounts on every service and repair. We are giving up to 20% discount on every service and repair. Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur
Our technicians are well groomed in terms of knowledge of each and every part in the home appliance so that they can solve any type of issue. Our management will give first priority to customers and their issues. If you face any issue with your microwave oven then reach to us through the website Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur

2/11/2021 06:48:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonimo said...

Home Appliances Service Center is the best service center which provides the best services to your home appliances. Home appliances are much important to us in our daily life using which we can manage the household works. If home appliances were not invented, then we would waste our time in doing those works. But sometimes, you can get issues with your home appliances. As issues are common to each and every device, don’t worry if your home appliances create issues. Without wasting your time, contact us to get the services to your home appliances immediately. We provide genuine spare parts replacement to solve the issues of your home appliances. Our service center is the best service provider who can solve the issues of your home appliances.

2/11/2021 04:12:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Our service center will give 30days of service warranty on general services. On each and every spare part we give 90days of warranty. If you face any issue with your microwave oven then simply call us through the website. Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur
Samsung microwave oven service center is the best service center in Ahmedabad. Our service center holded 300-400 technicians who are experts in this field. If you are facing any issue with your Samsung microwave oven then simply visit my website. Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur
If you are facing with your Whirlpool microwave oven then our service technicians are available to solve your issue. Our technicians are well-groomed in terms of knowledge of each and every part in the home appliance so they can solve any type of issue. Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur

Our technicians charge a very reasonable price for all repair and services. We are giving 100% best services to our customers and we are not charging extra charges. Home Appliance Service Center in Jaipur

2/13/2021 06:47:00 AM  
Blogger Shaik Asma said...

Home Appliances Service Center is here to provide the services to the ones who are having issues with their refrigerators. One of the most popular home appliances is refrigerator which is essential in kitchen. This appliance is used by many people around the world. Refrigerator is known that to be common home appliance. It is used for the preservation of food under any circumstances either summer or winter or rainy season. Preserving food is the main motto of any refrigerator. However, sometimes, you can get issues with your refrigerator. At that time, you need not worry how to get services to your refrigerator. That time, make sure to contact us for the best services.

2/13/2021 03:47:00 PM  
Blogger mobile crm software said...

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9/15/2021 08:48:00 AM  

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giugno 04, 2007

Ardimentose arti

Alveolari sussulti
s'insinuano silenti
soffocati da famelici

dita intorpidite
s’allungano esitanti
nello scuro spazio
tra due battiti,

e mordendo l'aria
di nuovi gusti

D'amarti non è tempo
ma di farti mia.


Blogger artemisia said...

Questo è un tuo volto finora sconosciuto...

6/04/2007 07:12:00 PM  
Blogger Adynaton86 said...

Messe da parte le parole romantiche, è ora di dare spazio ai sensi. Sono morsi sulla carne, è un amplesso di "equivoca realtà". Mi piacciono i tuoi nuovi impulsi!

6/05/2007 01:50:00 AM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

non penso sia una novità assoluta, ma di certo questo è solo l'inizio!

non avevo dubbi caro ;)

6/06/2007 10:01:00 AM  
Blogger zefirina said...

ah questo mi piace d'amarti non è tempo ma di farti mia, ovviamente lo volgo al maschile
ora come ora non ce la farei proprio ad amare di nuovo

non riesco nè a fidarmi
nè ad affidarmi

6/06/2007 12:18:00 PM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

ti capisco bene anche se il mio percorso attuale è un po' diverso.
Vale comunque sempre il principio per cui c'è un tempo per ogni cosa e non ci resta che assecondare le fasi che stiamo vivendo.
Chissà poi cosa può nascere senza che ce lo aspettiamo...

6/06/2007 03:18:00 PM  
Blogger wroszka said...

amo il tuo dire

6/09/2007 02:43:00 AM  
Blogger Dottor K said...

grazie mille e naturalmente benvenuta.
Insondabili sono i percorsi e per sapere dove portano non resta che seguirli.

6/09/2007 12:47:00 PM  

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